SOL is committed to safeguarding the welfare of students and teachers attending our courses and expects all staff and host families to share this commitment.
SOL’s main activity is running English language programmes in Barnstaple, Bideford and Tiverton for school, college and adult groups from Central and Eastern Europe who are accommodated with local English families. Due to the large numbers attending our courses, especially in the summer, we always need to recruit more host families.
The biggest concern of the parents in these countries is the family who will look after their child.
We like our host families to treat their student/teacher as part of the family spending time together talking and sharing experiences enhancing their use of English.
Staying with a host family is a very important aspect of the programme. The time spent with the families in the evenings and on Sunday provides a vital opportunity to gain confidence in speaking English. For many of the young people and even the adults, it is often the first time they will be speaking English for real. For the teachers who accompany them too, it is a chance to refresh their own use of English – something many do not have a chance to back home.
You will be fully supported by the SOL Host family coordinator , who deals with the placement of students and teachers as well as offering advice on the whole hosting experience.
Please contact our host family coordinator for further information.
Katie Collier